Tuesday 26 February 2013

Tangle Teezer Review

No matter how much conditioner and hair treatments I use when washing my hair, I'm always having to fight with nasty knots afterwards! Originally I put it down to the condition of my hair but after using a really intensive hair mask and still battling with the brush, I knew that it was down to something else. Prior to this I had read a few reviews about how great the Tangle Teezer is. In case you don't know, the Tangle Teezer is a hand held hair brush that "Glides through wet, vulnerable and colour treated hair with no pulling, tugging or yanking." and come in all different styles and colours.

I was a little sceptical about how well the brush would work on my knotty hair but it glided through like a treat. This little beauty did exactly what it said on the tin, it didn't pull, tug or yank at my hair. All it did was leave my hair knot free, looking and feeling great. It reduced my hair regime time by 10 minutes which is really handy on them cold, rainy mornings when all I want is an extra 10 minutes in bed.

I would recommend this cute little thing to anyone that is trying to win the war against knots. It is truly the perfect hair tool! You can pick the Tangle Teezer up from Boots for £10.99, which may sound a little steep for a hair brush but it is absolutely worth it.


  1. I don't think i could survive without mine anymore those ten minutes longer in bed are so worth it! xx

    1. Sorry this is really stupid - how does it work? I've always read that plastic bristles are the worst, and that looks like it's going to pull out a chuck of hair. Do the bristles part or retract instead of pulling out the hair? Or are they soft enough to go through the hair? I know, I'm dumb.
      My Beauty Junction
